Useful Telephone Numbers

Heywood and Middleton PCT 0161 655 1538
Rochdale Hospitals 01706 377777
Fairfield General Hospital 0161 764 6081
Phoenix Centre 01706 261952
Health Visitor 01706 261944
District Nurse 01706 261969
District Nurse – Liaison 01706 764311
Midwife 0845 6019107
Out of Hours 111
North Manchester General 0161 795 4567
Highfield Private Hospital 01706 655121
Citizens Advice Bureau 01706 653618
Relate (Marriage Guidance) 01706 633834
Samaritans 01706 659998
Social Services 01706 867355
Baillie Street Special Clinic 01706 517631
Othen House 0161 654 2000
Police 0161 872 5050
Rochdale MBC 01706 647474